Monthly Grants Committee Update: April 2022

Perpetual Protocol
Perpetual Protocol
Published in
2 min readApr 21, 2022


In April, the Grants Committee had seven new proposals with one new grant accepted. Read on to find out more about the great things being built on top of Perp v2!

Grants Accepted ✅


A DeFi marketplace for turning trade ideas into investable vaults. They will be integrating Perp v2 as the backend for all trades placed through TradeVaults.

Grants Under Consideration 🔎


Protofire is planning to build a maker app for Perp v2 that will include:

  1. Notification panel alerting users triggers related to price target/ranges, IL and liquidation with alerts being sent to multiple channels.
  2. Maker strategy cockpit allowing users to check current liquidity distribution, margin ratio, APR and fees, per order per market. With the possible addition of advanced strategies.
  3. Automation panel allowing for automatic rebalancing of positions set by users.

Perpetual Protocol Trade/LP Calculator

  1. LP calculator: allows you to specify any arbitrary values to visualize changes in impermanent loss (IL), IL %, impermanent position, margin ratio, as well as other LP parameters.
  2. Trading calculator: allows you to specify any arbitrary values such as: entry price, mark price, price range and subsequent visualization changes in PNL, liquidation, margin ratio, leverage as well as other parameters.

Babylon Finance

Babylon allows users to participate in investment clubs where people share fees, share profits and earn rewards. Strategists can create strategies that other members in the club vote on to use as strategies to earn yield within the club. The grant is to integrate Perp v2 and Optimism into their platform.

Update on Current Grantees 🎯

  • Component: Currently in the process of design for the LP simulator app.
  • UniDex: Currently working on limit orders for Perp v2 and Perp v1 for their front end.
  • DeFiHelper: Currently have integrated their app into Optimism and now working on adding the automated fee compounding to Perp v2.
  • Defi Lab: Have released a test version of their app that our team is currently testing and providing feedback.
  • PerpConnect: Currently process of integrating perp v2 into the mobile app.

Perp v2 SDK 🚧

The Grants Committee is interested in funding projects that are building usable and investable products on top of Perp v2, whether it be delta neutral vaults to LP rebalancing protocols.

We currently have our Perp v2 SDK and if you have an idea that uses Perpetual Protocol v2 as the backend for it you can apply for a grant here, with the grants category being structured products.

Apply Now📮

Are you interested in building on top of Perpetual Protocol or want to help support the ecosystem through education and marketing? Get started now by filling out the grants application form!

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